All about Tokyo Revengers Episode 3
Tokyo Revengers is an ongoing Japanese live-action Anime series adapted from the manga of an equivalent title written and illustrated by Ken Wakui. An anime television series adaptation by Liden Films currently on Air. Two episodes have aired so far. But these 2 episodes of old anime had already mesmerized its audience. They are eagerly waiting for the third episode.
If you haven’t watched the First Two episodes yet or looking for recommendations for some good live-action anime let’s take a look at the story of Tokyo Revengers. And decide whether to watch it or not. However, we totally recommend it.
Tokyo Revengers Synopsis:
The story revolves around young boy Takemichi Hanagaki who learns from the TV news that his girlfriend from lyceum, Hinata Tachibana, and her younger brother have been murdered by Tokyo Manji Gang known within the area for his or her brutality.
While returning from work at some point, someone pushes him onto the railway tracks as a train comes rushing in. But to his surprise, he didn’t die after facing this brutal destiny. He rather came back to life as a high schooler. briefly he time traveled in past. But Takemichi decides to need control of his fate and confirms that Hinata lives. This live-action series premiered on April 11, 2021.
so, Here is everything you want to know about the upcoming episode. But First, let’s start with its release date.
Tokyo Revengers Episode 3 Release Date
‘Tokyo Revengers’ episode 3 is to release on April 25, 2021.
Where to watch Tokyo Revengers Episode 3?
Episodes of ‘Tokyo Revengers’ with English subtitles will air on Crunchyroll. The first two episodes are also available on crunchyroll it is the best site for Anime Lovers. You can also binge watch this anime on YouTube.
All about Tokyo Revengers Episode 2
Episode 2 is all about Naoto’s realization about how Tamekichi can actually travel back and forth to past and present.
Takemichi can return to the past by shaking hands. Naoto tells him that he possesses to form sure that the two current leaders of the gang, Manjirou “Mikey” Sano and Tetta Kisaki, don’t meet each other within the past.
Takemichi realizes that Naoto was correct in his assessment as he traveled back in time again. However, he can’t spend much time dwelling thereon as his younger self and friends are slaves to Kiyomasa’s Gang. The episode concludes as Takemichi challenges Kiyomasa himself. In episode 3, Takemichi and Kiyomasa much-awaited fight to impress Mikey. it’ll be very crucial a part of the story and can be much interesting to observe.
What does one think? How the story should unfold in upcoming episodes tell us in comments.
watch Tokyo Revengers Trailer here: